re-expansion pulmonary edema, REPE 73-year-old man with massive pleural effusion.

Key words: re-expansion pulmonary edema, REPE, GGO, consolidation,

intralobular interstitial thickening, interlobular septal thickening, infiltration 浸潤影



Jun Hyun Baik, et al.
High-Resolution CT Findings of Re-Expansion Pulmonary Edema
Korean J Radiol 2010;11:164-168

  • 自然気胸胸腔穿刺後の肺水腫 re-expansion pulmonary edema (REPE)を生じた43人の患者をレトロスペクティブに検討
  • 43人の患者:男性41人、女性2人、平均年齢34歳
  • チェストチューブ挿入からHRCTまでの平均時間は8.5時間(1-24時間)
  • コンソリデーション、GGO, Interlobular septal thickening, intralobular interstitial thickening, 気管支血管束肥厚、結節
  • 斑状のGGO : 100%
  • コンソリデーションは22例(51%)
  • 地図状分布のGGOやコンソリデーションは25例(58%)
  • Interlobular septal thickening: 28例(65%)
  • intralobular interstitial thickening : 28例(65%)
  • 気管支血管束肥厚は13例(30%)
  • 境界不明瞭な小葉中心性のGGOはわずか5例12%のみ
  • 辺縁優位なのが38例 88%これらのうち重力側優位の 分布が23例 53%に見られた。
  • 両側性の肺浸潤は4例( 9%)
  • 少量胸水貯留が7人(16 %)
  • 結論:REPEのHRCT所見は、辺縁の斑状GGOが、しばしばコンソリデーション、interlobular septal thickening 及び intralobular interstitial thickening. に合併する

Key images

Key plain 1Key plain 2 Key image CTKey image CT key trueKey image CT2

75歳女性 粘液栓 Answer


Keywords: ABPA, Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, アレルギー性気管支肺アスペルギルス症, 喘息、asthma, mucoid impaction, Bronchiectasis, Mucoceles, High attenuation mucus


75歳女性 右下肺野異常陰影






Thymoma teaching, 胸腺腫 まとめ

Thymoma teaching, 胸腺腫 まとめ




解答編 前篇はこちら

iPad version

You tube version

Key words: Thymoma, 胸腺腫、anterior mediastinal tumor, 前縦隔腫瘍, WHO classification, WHO分類、Masaoka classification, 正岡分類、胸腺癌, thymic cancer, Diffusion weighted image, DWI, 拡散強調画像


  • 大きい
  • 被膜(より完全)、隔壁
  • 境界明瞭、不明瞭
  • 分葉状、不整
  • 出血、壊死、嚢胞性変化
  • 石灰化
  • 不均一造影効果
  • 造影効果が高いか否か
  • T2WI上不均一
  • T2WI上腫瘍内の低信号
  • 胸膜播種
  • 縦隔脂肪浸潤
  • 大血管浸潤
  • LN腫大
  • 線維性隔壁:AB、B
  • MRIは被膜、隔壁、出血の検出でCTより優れる
  • ADC値はWHO分類、正岡分類と相関:ADC値低いとより悪性度高い


1. Priola AM, Priola SM, Di Franco M, et al.Computed tomography and thymoma: distinctive findings in invasive and noninvasive thymoma and predictive features of recurrence.

RadiolMed. 2010 Feb;115(1):1-21.

2. Tomiyama N, Müller NL, Ellis SJ, et al.

Invasive and noninvasive thymoma: distinctive CT features.

J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2001 May-Jun;25(3):388-93.

3. Jeong YJ, Lee KS, Kim J, et al.

Does CT of thymic epithelial tumors enable us to differentiate histologic subtypes and predict prognosis?

Am J Roentgenol. 2004 Aug;183(2):283-9.

4. Harris K, Elsayegh D, Azab B, et al.10.1186/1477-7819-9-95.

Thymoma calcification: is it clinically meaningful?

World J SurgOncol. 2011 Aug 23;9:95.

5. Hu YC, Wu L, Yan LF, et al.

Predicting subtypes of thymic epithelial tumors using CT: new perspective based on a comprehensive analysis of 216 patients.

Sci Rep. 2014 Nov 10;4:6984.

6. Sadohara J, Fujimoto K, Müller NL, et al.

Thymic epithelial tumors: comparison of CT and MR imaging findings of low-risk thymomas, high-risk thymomas, and thymic carcinomas.

Eur J Radiol. 2006 Oct;60(1):70-9.

7. Inoue A, Tomiyama N, Fujimoto K, et al.

MR imaging of thymic epithelial tumors: correlation with World Health Organization classification.

Radiat Med.2006 Apr;24(3):171-81.

8. Han J, Lee KS, Yi CA, et al.

Thymic epithelial tumors classified according to a newly established WHO scheme: CT and MR findings.

Korean J Radiol. 2003 Jan-Mar;4(1):46-53.

Diffusion-weighted images in thymomas.

1. Abdel Razek AA, Khairy M Nada N.

Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in thymic epithelial tumors: correlation with World Health Organization classification and clinical staging.

Radiology. 2014 Oct;273(1):268-75.

2. Priola AM, Priola SM, Giraudo MT, et al.

Chemical-shift and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of thymus in myasthenia gravis: usefulness of quantitative assessment.

Invest Radiol. 2015 Apr;50(4):228-38

3. Seki S, Koyama H, Ohno Y, et al.

Diffusion-weighted MR imaging vs. multi-detector row CT: Direct comparison of capability for assessment of management needs for anterior mediastinal solitary tumors

Eur J Radiol. 2014 May;83(5):835-42.

4. Shin KE, Yi CA, Kim TS, et al.

Diffusion-weighted MRI for distinguishing non-neoplastic cysts from solid masses in the mediastinum: problem-solving in mediastinal masses of indeterminate internal characteristics on CT. EurRadiol. 2014 Mar;24(3):677-84.

EurRadiol. 2014 Mar;24(3):677-84.

62-year-old man with abnormal shadow in right lower lung field during follow up of brain infarction.



Case 1

62-year-old man with abnormal shadow in right lower lung fieldduring follow up of brain infarction.

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You tube version


今回は解答編 バージョン1です。症例の解説が主体です。


胸腺腫の総まとめビデオはこちら 10分余った時間で勉強してください。

Key words: Mediastinal tumor, Thymoma, thymoma, thymic tumor, 縦隔腫瘍、胸腺腫、胸腺腫瘍、WHO classification, WHO分類

Key images:

Case 1  62M Type A

Type A thymoma 62M Chest plain 1Type A thymoma 62M CT plain 1Type A thymoma 62M MRI 1Type A thymoma 62M MRI 2Type A thymoma 62M MRI 3Type A thymoma 62M MRI 4

Case 2  69MType B3 Thymoma 69M Chest plain1 Type B3 Thymoma 69M CT1Type B3 Thymoma 69M CT2Type B3 Thymoma 69M MRI1Type B3 Thymoma 69M MRI 2.6

胸腺腫: ADCとWHO分類との対比論文はこちら


Abdel RazekAA, KhairyM Nada N.

Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in thymic epithelial tumors: correlation with World Health Organization classification and clinical staging. Radiology. 2014 Oct;273(1):268-75.


Priola AM, Priola SM.

Usefulness of Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging in Predicting Masaoka-Koga Clinical Staging of Thymic Epithelial Tumors by Using the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient.  Radiology. 2015 Mar;274(3):936-7.