Thymoma teaching, 胸腺腫 まとめ

Thymoma teaching, 胸腺腫 まとめ




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Key words: Thymoma, 胸腺腫、anterior mediastinal tumor, 前縦隔腫瘍, WHO classification, WHO分類、Masaoka classification, 正岡分類、胸腺癌, thymic cancer, Diffusion weighted image, DWI, 拡散強調画像


  • 大きい
  • 被膜(より完全)、隔壁
  • 境界明瞭、不明瞭
  • 分葉状、不整
  • 出血、壊死、嚢胞性変化
  • 石灰化
  • 不均一造影効果
  • 造影効果が高いか否か
  • T2WI上不均一
  • T2WI上腫瘍内の低信号
  • 胸膜播種
  • 縦隔脂肪浸潤
  • 大血管浸潤
  • LN腫大
  • 線維性隔壁:AB、B
  • MRIは被膜、隔壁、出血の検出でCTより優れる
  • ADC値はWHO分類、正岡分類と相関:ADC値低いとより悪性度高い


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Invasive and noninvasive thymoma: distinctive CT features.

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Does CT of thymic epithelial tumors enable us to differentiate histologic subtypes and predict prognosis?

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Thymoma calcification: is it clinically meaningful?

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Predicting subtypes of thymic epithelial tumors using CT: new perspective based on a comprehensive analysis of 216 patients.

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MR imaging of thymic epithelial tumors: correlation with World Health Organization classification.

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Thymic epithelial tumors classified according to a newly established WHO scheme: CT and MR findings.

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Diffusion-weighted images in thymomas.

1. Abdel Razek AA, Khairy M Nada N.

Diffusion-weighted MR imaging in thymic epithelial tumors: correlation with World Health Organization classification and clinical staging.

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Chemical-shift and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of thymus in myasthenia gravis: usefulness of quantitative assessment.

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Diffusion-weighted MR imaging vs. multi-detector row CT: Direct comparison of capability for assessment of management needs for anterior mediastinal solitary tumors

Eur J Radiol. 2014 May;83(5):835-42.

4. Shin KE, Yi CA, Kim TS, et al.

Diffusion-weighted MRI for distinguishing non-neoplastic cysts from solid masses in the mediastinum: problem-solving in mediastinal masses of indeterminate internal characteristics on CT. EurRadiol. 2014 Mar;24(3):677-84.

EurRadiol. 2014 Mar;24(3):677-84.
