Abdominal wall hernia Answer 解答編

Abdominal wall hernia: Spiegelian hernia  半月状線ヘルニア


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key words: Abdominal wall hernia, 腹壁ヘルニア、Spiegelian hernia, 半月状線ヘルニア、hernia, ヘルニア、surgery, 手術

Spiegelian hernia まとめ

  • 半月状線ヘルニア:腹横筋線維が腱膜に移行する腹直筋外縁の半月状線,すなわちSpigel腱膜に発生する稀なヘルニア
  • 半月状線の脆弱性、上前腸骨棘を結ぶ線から6cm上方までに発生しやすい=SH belt
  • 平均年齢60才台、女性優位
  • 左優位、両側性は稀
  • 修復術を行った腹壁ヘルニア中の頻度は1%未満
  • 原因として外科手術や極度の肥満など
  • 外腹斜筋腱膜をこえるか否かで2つに分類

–Interstitial SH: closed loop Small bowel obstruction なり易い

–Subcutaneous SH

  • CTで100%の感度とPPV.

Key images




1.Martine M, Paquette B, Badet N, et al. Spiegelian hernia: CT findings and clinical relevance. Abdom imaging. 2013; 38: 260-264

2. Moles Morenilla L, DocoboDurántez F, Mena Robles J,etal. Spiegelianhernia in Spain. An analysis of 162 cases. Rev EspEnferm Dig. 2005 May;97(5):338-47.

3. Light D, Chattopadhyay D, Bawa S. Radiological and clinical examination in the diagnosis of Spiegelian hernia. Ann R CollSurgEngl 2013; 95:98-10

4. Dabbas N, Adams K, Pearson K, et al.  Frequency of abdominal wall hernias: is classical teaching out of date?   JRSM Short Rep.2011 Jan 19;2(1):5. doi: 10.1258/shorts.2010.010071.

5.  塩田喜代美、植木孝宣、青井重善、他。CTにて術前診断した半月状線ヘルニアの1例  日臨外会誌 . 2002: 63: 1308-1311

English summary

Summary of Spiegelian hernia

  • Spigelian hernias (SH) are rarely reported abdominal wallhernias, which arise from the Spigelianfascia. It lies along the semilunar line lateral to the rectus abdominis muscle.
  • SH is due to a weakness of the spiegelian fascia.
  • Most of the SH cases occur within the zone, so-called SH belt, which is a transverse band between the line joining both anterior superior iliac spines and parallel line lying 6-cm cranial to it.
  • Mean age is 60-70 year-old. Female domination.
  • Left side is dominant. Bilateral SH is very rare (2%).
  • The incidence of SH among abdominal wall hernia repair surgery is less than 1%.
  • Major acquired risk factors of SH are a history of abdominal surgery and obesity.
  • Two types of SH are interstitial SH and subcutaneous SH. Closed loop small bowel obstruction is statistically associated with interstitial SH.
  • CT has a 100% sensitivity and 100% PPV todiagnose SH.


27-year-old man with knee injury


Meniscofemoral ligament (MFL)

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Key words: 膝、膝関節、正常構造、ピットフォール、後十字靭帯、半月大腿靭帯、前半月大腿靭帯、後半月大腿靭帯、ハンフリー靭帯リズバーグ靭帯、knee, knee joint, normal anatomy, pitfall, posterior cruciate ligament, meniscofemoral ligament, anterior meniscofemoral ligament, posterior meniscofemoral ligament, Humphrey’s ligament, Wrisberg’s ligament, Humphrey, Humphry, Wrisberg

Key images: Wrisberg’s ligament  27-year-old man with knee injury.

Wrisberg 靭帯、27歳男性 問題提示症例

MFL シェーマ Proton WI sagittal 矢印付Proton WI coronal 矢印付

Humphrey’s ligament case 82-year-old woman

ハンフリー靭帯 82才女性例

82才女性例別症例 Humphrey's lig.

Reference 文献:

1. Bintoudi A1, Natsis K, Tsitouridis I.

Anterior and posterior meniscofemoral ligaments: MRI evaluation.

Anat Res Int. 2012;2012:839724. Epub2012 Sep 17.

  • Wrisberg ligament (PCLの後側), pMFL

–500例中322例 64.4%≒64%

      男性240(75%), 女性 82例(25%),  冠状断で描出されやすい

  • Humphrey ligament (PCLの前側), aMFL

–500例中59例 11.8%≒12%,

男性40(68%), 女性 19例(32%), 矢状断で描出されやすい

2.Watanabe AT, Carter BC, Teitelbaum GP, Bradley WG Jr.

Common pitfalls in magnetic resonance imaging of the knee.

J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1989 Jul;71(6):857-62.


3.  Kim JE, Choi SH

Is the location of the Wrisberg ligament related to frequent complete discoid lateral meniscus tear?

Acta Radiol. 2010 Dec; 51:1120-5. doi: 10.3109/02841851.2010.520026.


4. De Abreu MR, Chung CB, Trudell D, etal.

Meniscofemoral ligaments: patterns of tears and pseudotears of the menisci using cadaveric and clinical material.

Skeletal Radiol. 2007;36:729-735. Epub 2007 May 5.


5. Park LS, Jacobson JA, Jamadar DA, et al.

Posterior horn lateral meniscal tears simulating meniscofemoral ligament attachment in the setting of ACL tear:MRI findings.

Skeletal Radiol. 2007; 36:399-403. Epub 2007 Jan 16


6. Erbagci H, Yildirim H, Kizilkan N, Gümüsburun E.

An MRI study of the meniscofemoral and transverse ligaments of the knee.

Surg Radiol Anat. 2002 May;24(2):120-4.



Multiple hepatic nodules 20140527 answer

20140407  Multiple hepatic nodules  : Answer




Key words: VMC, von Meyenburg’s complex, biliary hamartoma,  胆管過誤腫、胆管性過誤腫, comet-tail sign, DWI, diffusion weighted imaging, APKD

Key images:

80-year-old man with VMC or biliary hamartoma.


201405 VMC key image US 201405 VMC key image MRI 201405 VMC key image CT 201405 VMC key image Pathology 201405 VMC key image CT findings 201405 VMC key image MRI findings 201405 VMC key image differential diag.



1) Luo TY, Itai Y, Eguchi N, et al.

Von Meyenburg complexes of the liver: imaging findings.

J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1998:22:372-378


2) Lung PF, Jaffer OS, Akbar N,et al.

Appearances of von meyenburg complex on cross sectional imaging.

J Clin imaging Sci. 2013 May 31;3:22. doi: 10.4103/2156-7514.112804. Print 2013.


3) Semelka RC, Hussain SM, Marcos HB, et al.

Biliary hamartomas: solitary and multiple lesions shown on current MR techniques including gadolinium enhancement.

J MagnReson Imaging. 1999: 10: 196-201


4) MorteléB, Mortelé K, Seynaeve P, et al.

Hepatic bile duct hamartomas (von Meyenburg Complexes): MR and MR cholangiography findings.

J Comput Assist Tomogr.  2002 May-Jun;26(3):438-43.


5)  Lev-ToaffAS, Bach AM, Wechsler RJ, et al.

The radiologic and pathologic spectrum of biliary hamartomas.

AJR Am J Roentgenol.  1995 Aug;165(2):309-13.


6)  Maher MM, DervanP, Keogh B, et al.

Bile duct hamartomas (von Meyenburg complexes): value of MR imaging in diagnosis.

Abdom Imaging. 1999 Mar-Apr;24(2):171-3.


Lung case3 回答

iphone ver

key word
Solitary fibrous tumor, SFT, pleura, clinical features


Differential diagnosis: pleural mesothelioma 胸膜中皮腫
Other sarcomatous lesions 他の肉腫系病変
良性はT2WI で低信号
T2WI で高信号の場合良性,悪性の判別難しい
良性でT2WI 高信号となるのは粘液変性,出血,壊死による

Reference 文献
Chu X, Zhang L, Xue Z, et al.

Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura: An analysis of forty patients.
J Thorac Dis. 2012 Apr 1;4(2):146-54. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2012.01.05.

Agarwal VK, Plotkin BE, Dumani D, et al.
Solitary fibrous tumor of pleura: a case report and review of clinical, radiographic and histologic findings.
J Radiol Case Rep. 2009;3(5):16-20. doi: 10.3941/jrcr.v3i5.200. Epub 2009 May 1.

Sekiya M, Yoshimi K, Muraki K, et al.
Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura: ultrasonographic imaging findings of 3 cases.
Respir Investig. 2013 Sep;51(3):200-4. doi: 10.1016/j.resinv.2013.04.001. Epub 2013 Jun 13.

Moureau-Zabotto L, Chetaille B, et al.
Solitary fibrous tumor of the prostate: case report and review of the literature.
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