50-something woman with cystic lesion in the liver, answer
Answer: Complicated cyst
DDx: bile duct cystadenocarcinoma, or cystadenomaiPad version
50-something woman with cystic lesion in the liver, answer
Answer: Complicated cyst
DDx: bile duct cystadenocarcinoma, or cystadenomaiPad version
20140407 Multiple hepatic nodules : Answer
Key words: VMC, von Meyenburg’s complex, biliary hamartoma, 胆管過誤腫、胆管性過誤腫, comet-tail sign, DWI, diffusion weighted imaging, APKD
Key images:
80-year-old man with VMC or biliary hamartoma.
1) Luo TY, Itai Y, Eguchi N, et al.
Von Meyenburg complexes of the liver: imaging findings.
J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1998:22:372-378
2) Lung PF, Jaffer OS, Akbar N,et al.
Appearances of von meyenburg complex on cross sectional imaging.
J Clin imaging Sci. 2013 May 31;3:22. doi: 10.4103/2156-7514.112804. Print 2013.
3) Semelka RC, Hussain SM, Marcos HB, et al.
J MagnReson Imaging. 1999: 10: 196-201
4) MorteléB, Mortelé K, Seynaeve P, et al.
Hepatic bile duct hamartomas (von Meyenburg Complexes): MR and MR cholangiography findings.
J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2002 May-Jun;26(3):438-43.
5) Lev-ToaffAS, Bach AM, Wechsler RJ, et al.
The radiologic and pathologic spectrum of biliary hamartomas.
AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1995 Aug;165(2):309-13.
6) Maher MM, DervanP, Keogh B, et al.
Bile duct hamartomas (von Meyenburg complexes): value of MR imaging in diagnosis.
Abdom Imaging. 1999 Mar-Apr;24(2):171-3.
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Key words:
Sarcoidosis, サルコイドーシス、類上皮非乾落性肉芽腫性疾患、肝脾サルコイドーシス、ACE, CD4/CD8, Panda sign, Hepatic sarcoidosis, Splenic sarcoidosis
Warshauer DM, et al. Nodular sarcoidosis of the liver and spleen: analysis of 32 cases. Radiology 1995; 195: 757-762
Elsayes KM, et al. MR imaging of the spleen: spectrum of abnormalities. Radiographics. 2005 ; 25(4):967-82.
Sakai T, et al. MR imaging of hepatosplenic sarcoidosis. Radiat Med. 1995 Jan-Feb;13(1):39-41.
Koyama T, et al. Rdiologic manifestations of sarcoidosis in varisou organs. Radiographics. 2004 24: 87-104
Warshauer DM, et al. Nodular sarcoidosis of the liver and spleen: appearance on MR images. J Magn Reson Imaging. 1994 Jul-Aug;4(4):553-7.
Kessler A, et al. Hepatic and splenic sarcoidosis: ultrasound and MR imaging. Abdom Imaging. 1993;18(2):159-63.