60才台 男性 DM、慢性C型肝炎で内科通院中
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Abdominal wall hernia: Spiegelian hernia 半月状線ヘルニア
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key words: Abdominal wall hernia, 腹壁ヘルニア、Spiegelian hernia, 半月状線ヘルニア、hernia, ヘルニア、surgery, 手術
Spiegelian hernia まとめ
–Interstitial SH: closed loop Small bowel obstruction なり易い
–Subcutaneous SH
Key images
1.Martine M, Paquette B, Badet N, et al. Spiegelian hernia: CT findings and clinical relevance. Abdom imaging. 2013; 38: 260-264
2. Moles Morenilla L, DocoboDurántez F, Mena Robles J,etal. Spiegelianhernia in Spain. An analysis of 162 cases. Rev EspEnferm Dig. 2005 May;97(5):338-47.
3. Light D, Chattopadhyay D, Bawa S. Radiological and clinical examination in the diagnosis of Spiegelian hernia. Ann R CollSurgEngl 2013; 95:98-10
4. Dabbas N, Adams K, Pearson K, et al. Frequency of abdominal wall hernias: is classical teaching out of date? JRSM Short Rep.2011 Jan 19;2(1):5. doi: 10.1258/shorts.2010.010071.
5. 塩田喜代美、植木孝宣、青井重善、他。CTにて術前診断した半月状線ヘルニアの1例 日臨外会誌 . 2002: 63: 1308-1311
English summary
Summary of Spiegelian hernia
Meniscofemoral ligament (MFL)
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Key words: 膝、膝関節、正常構造、ピットフォール、後十字靭帯、半月大腿靭帯、前半月大腿靭帯、後半月大腿靭帯、ハンフリー靭帯、リズバーグ靭帯、knee, knee joint, normal anatomy, pitfall, posterior cruciate ligament, meniscofemoral ligament, anterior meniscofemoral ligament, posterior meniscofemoral ligament, Humphrey’s ligament, Wrisberg’s ligament, Humphrey, Humphry, Wrisberg
Key images: Wrisberg’s ligament 27-year-old man with knee injury.
Wrisberg 靭帯、27歳男性 問題提示症例
Humphrey’s ligament case 82-year-old woman
ハンフリー靭帯 82才女性例
Reference 文献:
1. Bintoudi A1, Natsis K, Tsitouridis I.
Anterior and posterior meniscofemoral ligaments: MRI evaluation.
Anat Res Int. 2012;2012:839724. Epub2012 Sep 17.
–500例中322例 64.4%≒64%
男性240(75%), 女性 82例(25%), 冠状断で描出されやすい
–500例中59例 11.8%≒12%,
男性40(68%), 女性 19例(32%), 矢状断で描出されやすい
2.Watanabe AT, Carter BC, Teitelbaum GP, Bradley WG Jr.
Common pitfalls in magnetic resonance imaging of the knee.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1989 Jul;71(6):857-62.
Is the location of the Wrisberg ligament related to frequent complete discoid lateral meniscus tear?
Acta Radiol. 2010 Dec; 51:1120-5. doi: 10.3109/02841851.2010.520026.
4. De Abreu MR, Chung CB, Trudell D, etal.
Skeletal Radiol. 2007;36:729-735. Epub 2007 May 5.
5. Park LS, Jacobson JA, Jamadar DA, et al.
Skeletal Radiol. 2007; 36:399-403. Epub 2007 Jan 16
6. Erbagci H, Yildirim H, Kizilkan N, Gümüsburun E.
An MRI study of the meniscofemoral and transverse ligaments of the knee.
Surg Radiol Anat. 2002 May;24(2):120-4.
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Key words: 骨軟部、膝、膝関節、靭帯、靭帯損傷、半月板、半月板損傷、skeletal, knee, knee joint, ligament, ligament injury, meniscus, meniscus injury
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Key words: 副腎癌、副腎腺腫、巨大変性副腎腺腫、Adrenocortical carcinoma, ACC, large degenerated adrenocortical adenoma, pheochromocytoma
Key images.
Plain CT(単純CT)
Dynamic CT early phase (ダイナミック造影CT 早期相)
Dynamic CT delayed phase (ダイナミック造影CT後期相)Dynamic CT delayed phase (ダイナミック造影CT後期相): coronal (冠状断)
T2WIT1WI with opposed phase
Dynamic MRI early phase
Dynamic MRI portal phase
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